Session 11:
Explaining contrasting national trends and progress in achieving MDG 4
Chair: Jean-Christophe Fotso, African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC)
Discussant: Paul Kizito, National Coordinating Agency for Population and Development, Kenya
The stalling child mortality in Ghana: the case of three northern regions Mutaru G Iddrisu, University of Cape Town
Factors associated with perinatal deaths in Kenya Anne Khasakhala, University of Nairobi ; Patrick M Ndavi, University of Nairobi
Trends and determinants of childhood mortality in rural South Africa: What can it tell us about the impact of government programs? Nadine Nannan, Medical Research Council of South Africa ; Debbie Bradshaw, Medical Research Council of South Africa ; Rob Dorrington, University of Cape Town
Child mortality reduction in sub-Saharan African countries : progress and challenges Ulimiri V Somayajulu, TNS India ; Tilak Mukherji, TNS India
Other sessions on Maternal Health, and Young Child Survival and Development