Friday, December 14 / 8:30 AM - 10:30 AM   •   Manyara

Session 85:
HIV and AIDS Impacts

Chair: Tom A. Moultrie, University of Cape Town
Discussant: Akim Mturi, Organization for Social Science Research in Eastern and Southern Africa

  1. Orphans, schooling and medical aid coverage in the era of HIV/AIDS in South AfricaHenry V Doctor, Columbia University ; Zodwa M Radasi, University of the Western Cape

  2. HIV/AIDS-related beliefs, perception and sexual behaviours in South Africa: Analysis of Cape area panel studyAmos Oyedokun, University of the Witwatersrand ; Clifford O. Odimegwu, University of the Witwatersrand

  3. Recent trends in HIV-related knowledge and behaviors in Ethiopia, 2000-2005Vinod Mishra, Macro International Inc. ; Chiho Suzuki, Family Health International ; Pav Govindasamy, ORC Macro ; Rathavuth Hong, Macro International Inc. ; Yuan Gu, Macro International Inc.

  4. Sexual behaviour and reproductive intentions of people living with HIV/Aids and are on Antiretroviral treatment in UgandaNatal Ayiga, Makerere University

  5. The impact of ARVs on the sexual and reproductive lives of people living with AIDS in CameroonHonoré Mimche, Institut de Formation et de Recherche Demographiques (IFORD)

Other sessions on HIV and AIDS