Friday, December 14 / 10:45 AM - 12:45 PM   •   Kagera

Session 93:
Evidence of Malthusian pressures in subsistence farming population, water sources

Chair: Maurice C.Y. Mbago, University of Dar es Salaam
Discussant: Julius Kivelia, University of Dar es Salaam

  1. Examining the inter-linkages of population growth, poverty and natural resources in TanzaniaAyoub S Ayoub, University of Nevada, Las Vegas

  2. Population and other determinants of food crop production in the dry and derived savannah zones of GhanaSamuel N.A Codjoe, University of Ghana

  3. Non Malthusian perspectives on population and development in Latin America and AfricaEzana E. Habte-Gabr, Universidad de La Sabana

  4. The status of population, health, and environment integration and cross-sectoral collaboration in KenyaFrancis Mwaura ; Karugu Ngatia, National Coordinating Agency for Population and Development

  5. Population growth and agriculture development in India: A discourse on Malthusian pressures in IndiaDayanand G. Satihal, Population Research Centre, Institute of Economic Research, Dharwad ; Lakksmana d Vaikunthe, Karnatak University, Dharwad ; Pradeep Kumar Bhargava, Population Research Centre, Dharwad, India

Other sessions on Population, Environment, and Sustainable Development