Topics and Sessions
1. Population Growth, Poverty and Wellbeing10
. Reproductive Health and Family Planning8
. Migration and Urbanization and their Consequences on Development7
. Maternal Health, and Young Child Survival and Development7
. Schooling and Employment5
. HIV and AIDS9
. The Health Transition7
. Sexual Behaviour and Sexuality9
. Family, Gender and Households9
. Population, Environment, and Sustainable Development5
. New and innovative approaches to data collection and analysis. Other sessions26
. Poster Sessions4
4. Emerging issues in the Demography of East Africa
19. Explanations for stalled and persistently high fertility
25. Population growth and poverty linkages in Africa
27. Changes in age structure and their implications for wellbeing
40. What is the impact of high fertility on family wellbeing?
48. Determinants of fertility change in Africa
49. Other Emerging Issues in Population in Eastern Africa
73. UK Parliament report on population growth and the MDGs
83. Stalling fertility – a trans-national perspective
95. Debate on population growth in Africa. Organised by the IUSSP Panel on African Population Growth and Human Welfare
36. Side meeting: realising rights
39. Lessons from integration of reproductive health, family planning, and HIV and AIDS programs
46. Reproductive health rights and choices
55. Family Planning in Kenya
60. Contraception method mix and dual protection
74. The future of family planning programmes in Africa
89. Reproductive health rights and choices 2
96. Influences on women's reproductive lives
34. International migration in Africa
61. Consequences of rapid urbanization
63. Populations in conflict situations
69. Consequences of African international migration
72. Migration and Urbanization
75. Urbanization and human welfare
84. Consequences of internal migration
11. Explaining contrasting national trends and progress in achieving MDG 4
15. Child protection and development
18. Community based approaches to improving child and maternal health
28. Methodological issues in estimating maternal mortality
35. Family and Child Health
54. Trends and Determinants of Child Health and Mortality in sub-Saharan Africa
88. Inequalities in access to maternal health services
20. Evaluations of interventions to improve schooling outcomes
33. What are the social and economic returns of schooling in contemporary Africa?
42. Effects of HIV/AIDS on children
57. Adolescent transitions to adulthood
76. Experiences and impacts of universal primary education policies on human development
13. Determinants of sub-national differences in HIV prevalence
14. Estimating the impact of HIV and AIDS: methodological approaches
21. Fostering and orphanhood in the era of HIV/AIDS
26. Measuring behaviour change related to HIV infection
32. Demographic determinants and consequences of HIV and AIDS
47. National HIV prevalence estimates: advantages and limitations of different estimation methods
70. Knowledge and Attitudes towards HIV and HIV voluntary testing
77. Impact of HIV and AIDS on the wellbeing of older people
85. HIV and AIDS Impacts
22. Adult mortality in Africa
23. Measuring the Wellbeing of Older People
56. The Wellbeing of Older People: Measurement issues
64. Measuring the burden of disease
91. Epidemiological transition: dual burden of communicable and non-communicable diseases
92. Determinants of Adult Mortality in Africa
98. Emerging and re-emerging diseases (e.g. malaria, tuberculosis etc)
12. Adolescents' sexual and reproductive health
30. Gender-based violence: prevalence and consequences 2
37. Gender, Sexuality, and Vunerability; Exploring Intersections in Human Populations
41. Male sexual and reproductive health needs
43. Gender based violence: prevalence and consequences
62. Adolescent transitions and sexual behavior
71. Sex education: the intersection of traditional systems
82. Sexuality in the African context
99. Household and family influences on adolescent sexuality
29. Changing household structures and socioeconomic roles
44. Households’ and communities’ coping mechanisms to multiple shocks
50. Cohabitation, marriage and remarriage patterns
51. Cohabitation,marriage and remmarriage patterns
58. HIV and AIDS and families 2
59. The changing role of women in African families
65. Gender inequities and inequalities
78. HIV and AIDS and families
97. Gender inequities and MDGs
16. Achieving the MDG targets for water and sanitation
79. Achieving MDG targets through addressing inequities
81. Population and evironmental change in Africa
93. Evidence of Malthusian pressures in subsistence farming population, water sources
100. Human capital needs for achieving MDGs in Africa
1. Opening Ceremony
2. Tanzanian Poster Session
3. Tanzanian Day
5. Round table: Ethics of collecting bio-markers in population and health research
6. Side meeting: Improving graduate level training in African universities
7. Side meeting: family planning in Africa
8. Side meeting: Heads of national population coordinating units
9. Side meeting: Abstaining from reality: USA restrictions
10. Side meeting: World Health Organization (WHO)
17. Side meeting: CEPED Presentation
24. Capacity builiding session on writing abstracts
31. UAPS Plenary Session: Constitution and New Strategic Plan
38. Side meeting: World Bank, South South presentations
45. Methodological issues in measuring poverty and human welfare
52. Side meeting: Africa Development Bank
53. Side meeting: Dissemination of groundbreaking evidence on youth and HIV prevention in Sub-Saharan Africa. Protecting the next generation
66. Side meeting: sharing experiences of the 4th African Population Conference
67. Side meeting: UNFPA
68. Understanding health and population dynamics through longitudinal demographic surveillance systems
80. UAPS Annual General Meeting
86. Lessons in developing and utilizing civil registration systems in Africa
87. Capacity building: Getting published in peer-reviewed journals
90. Lessons in measuring poverty and human wellbeing
94. Side meeting: UNICEF Side Meeting
101. Side meeting: UNECA
102. Closing ceremony